
Wryvals prove their might and bravery in combat when they step foot into the arena.

Wryvals have three attacks at their disposal: breathing fire, biting, and generating a wind storm with their wings. Each attack has its strengths and weaknesses against the attack of their opponent.

The following table demonstrates these strengths weaknesses:

FireFireTie – No Hit Landed
WindWindTie – No Hit Landed
BiteBiteTie – No Hit Landed
FireWindWind lands a hit – Wind is able to blow the fire back onto their opponent
FireBiteFire lands a hit – The biting Wryval is hit with Fire as they move in for the bite
WindBiteBite lands a hit – The biting Wryval pushes through the wind and is able to bite their opponent


Wryvals have two characteristics that determine their performance in a fight:

  • Strength – Determines how hard a Wryval hits when they are able to land a blow
  • Stamina – Determines how much punishment a Wryval can take before they lose the fight

A Wryval wins a duel when they are able to bring their opponents Stamina to zero.

All hits are not equal. Sometimes a Wryval will land a glancing blow and their hit strength will not be as high. Other times their aim will be true and they will land a devastating blow to their opponent. Most of the time, a hit is somewhere in between. A more experienced Wryval will tend to hit for more on a consistent basis.

How will you breed your Wryvals?

Will you breed a tank that can absorb hit after hit while they wear their opponent down? Will you breed a monster that dishes out punishing blow after punishing blow? Or will you breed the ultimate Duelling Wryval? A Wryval with high stamina and high strength that cannot only endure through a long duel, but can easily deal that knockout punch to finish off their opponent.